Adding Your Outlook/Exchange Calendar to GroupCal

Adding Your Outlook/Exchange Calendar to GroupCal

This feature allows you to integrate your Outlook or Exchange calendars with GroupCal. By adding these accounts, you can fully manage your Outlook and/or Exchange accounts in GroupCal:

  1. View all your Outlook/Exchange events in GroupCal side by side to your other calendars and events, allowing you a full view of your schedule.
  2. Edit your Outlook/Exchange calendars and events directly within GroupCal, with seamless synchronization with your Outlook or Exchange accounts.

Integrating your Outlook or Exchange calendars with GroupCal gives you a unified view of your schedule in GroupCal, eliminating the need to switch between different platforms. With bi-directional sync, any changes made in GroupCal automatically reflect in your original Outlook or Exchange calendar and vice versa. This ensures consistency and keeps your schedule updated across all platforms.

Step-by-Step Guide for Adding Your Outlook/Exchange Calendar

  1. Open GroupCal and click on the menu icon located in the Account section to access the settings dropdown.
  2. In the dropdown menu, click on “Add Your Calendar Accounts.”
    Menu option to start connecting a personal account
  3. A new window will appear where you can choose which of your personal calendar accounts you’d like to add. Click on either the Outlook or Exchange option.

    Dialog with the available calendar accounts to connect to GroupCal

  4. Enter your account information when prompted.
    Outlook sign in dialog as part of adding a new Outlook or Exchange account to GroupCal
  5. Click “Sign In” to complete the process.

You can repeat these steps to add multiple Outlook or Exchange calendars to GroupCal. Once completed, your Outlook or Exchange account will appear in the Calendar List section, and your events will automatically populate in the Calendar Views.

Outlook calendar on the calendar list in GroupCal

How to Remove an Outlook/Exchange Calendar from GroupCal

  1. Go to the calendar details popup
  2. Scroll down and click on the Unlink button

How to unlink a calendar account from GroupCal